SBF extends Corporate Membership to businesses operating within the building industry in Scotland. Full Corporate Members actively participate in SBF's work and contribute to shaping the organisation's future policies through direct representation or via member associations.
In addition to the Membership Services available, Corporate Members have the following rights and privileges: Attendance and voting rights at General Meetings, subject to provisions outlined in the Constitution. Direct consultation with SBF Officers and Officials, along with receiving communications from SBF. Authorization to display the SBF crest and/or logo on letterheads and promotional materials. Corporate subscription rates are categorized into bands from A (for companies with a turnover of £300,000 or less) to L (for companies with a turnover of £20,000,000 or more). The Board of Directors of the Federation annually determines the subscription levels for Corporate Membership. For information relating to the subscription level for your company, please contact SBF for further information.